
Saturday, August 27, 2011

What I Learned Watching My Kids

As parents it's our responsibility to teach our children all we can. We teach them right from wrong, to say please and thank you, how to count and so on. Have you ever stopped and thought about what we can learn from them or what they can remind us of. I have a 2 year old and a 5 month old and I was watching them play the other day and it occurred to me that sometimes we as adults forget things, little things, big things, important things. I thought as I watched them playing and laughing that they are living life to the fullest. They aren't worried about tomorrow, they just live for today. They trust us and know that we will take care of them. They have faith and believe what we say, they will be provided for. They laugh often, smile most of the time, play hard, give lots of hugs and kisses, tell us they love us, talk to us all the time and so much more. The more I watched it made me realize how much we could learn from them. We should be living for today, as we are not promised tomorrow, we should have faith and trust and know that God will provide our every need and believe in him. We should be spending time with those we love, talking to our family, friends and most importantly God on a regular basis. We shouldn't worry so much about the things out of our control or anything really, we should simply turn it over to God. Watching my kids reminded me of these things. My kids may not be in school yet and may not know how to read and write yet, but they have the most important things down. We can learn alot by watching our kids and listening to them.

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